Sounds like your diaphragm is leaking. Easy to replace, just remove all the
phillips screws and carefully twist the old diaphragm and insert the new one.
Carefull not to damage the diaphragm shaft seal. Cant get a new one.
About your oil line,, I had a small hole caused by battery acid one spring day a
few years back. The hole was located in the oil pipe at the firewall at the
grommet. The engine ran for about a minute and I had over 1/2 a quart of oil all
over both sides of the firewall before I noticed the leak. Had to shampoo the
carpets what a mess. I would guess if your line is not tight at the oil pipe to
gauge and the oil pipe to the oil filter pressure fitting and you have normal
engine oil pressure it would leak like crazy.
Bob Labuz
1958 TR3A
1974 T140V
Sumner Weisman wrote:
> SWMBO is not happy. Since I last drove the TR yesterday, the garage reeks
> of gasoline. Checking this morning, I found that it's coming from the fuel
> pump. I tightened down the cover screws and the two mounting nuts (the rear
> nut sure is hard to get a wrench on) but the leak persists. With the engine
> running, I can watch fuel dripping onto the floor slowly, although I can't
> see where it's coming from. Do you think it's a crack in the wall of the
> pump body? Cracked gasket? Any other thoughts or comments from the BTDT
> guys?
> I've been thinking about installing an electric fuel pump for some time, for
> improved reliability. This is a driver, not a concours car, and I've put in
> other things such as an electronic ignition (Crane) and an electric
> radiator-cooling fan for the same reason. I think fate is telling me that
> it's time for a change. Reliability is the most important thing to me.
> Do places like Auto Zone stock things like electric fuel pumps and
> regulators? There are some in my JC Whitney catalog. Has anyone used any
> from them? Can you recommend a particular part number? There are a couple
> with pressures so low that I may not need a regulator. (1 1/2 to 3 1/2
> psi). Should I use one anyway?
> If I do replace it with an electric pump, I will lose the sediment chamber
> that is attached to the old fuel pump. It does a good job of removing junk
> from my old gas tank, and I hate to give that up. I have a fuel filter in
> the line, and I suppose I'll just have to change it more often. Any
> comments?
> I found another problem while checking the fuel pump today. The oil line
> for the oil pressure gage is supported by the fuel pump mounting nut.
> Although my gage shows plenty of pressure, I noticed that the flexible oil
> hose just above the fuel pump is only loosely attached to the metal oil
> line, and can be lifted right off. Surprisingly, I don't seem to be losing
> oil.
> Thanks for any comments!
> Sumner Weisman
> 62 TR3B TSF263L