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Lathes available

To: "Triumphs-digest" <>
Subject: Lathes available
From: "Karl J. Schmitt" <>
Date: Sat, 16 Sep 2000 10:08:58 -0500charset="iso-8859-1"
Importance: Normal
Gentleman,  two engine lathes suitable for use in a home work shop have
become available through my employment.

A; Clausing engine lathe, quick change gear box, 60's, 15" swing by 48"
between centers.  Floor model, medium duty, taper attachment, collet set,
chuck.  Probably worth some where between $1500 to $2500.

B;  Axelson engine lathe, quick change gear box, dates back to the 50's.
13" swing by about 24' between centers (not sure of this just now). Heavy
duty, high quality, used as a tool room lathe.  With taper attachment,
chucks and collets. Probably worth between $2000 to $3000.

Both machines are in St Louis, in good condition and are presently

Please contact me direct for more info if you are REALLY interested.  My
phone number is 636-797-4203.

Karl J. Schmitt

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