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To: Erik Quackenbush <>
Subject: Re: DHL
From: Bill Gunshannon <>
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 08:51:16 -0400 (EDT)
On Tue, 29 Aug 2000, Erik Quackenbush wrote:

> >but I owe DHL nothing.
> Yes you do. Think of DHL as a bail bondsman. 

No, I'm not.  You contract with a bail bondsman.  I have never contracted
for anything with DHL.  Rimmer did, but not me.  So I have no contractual
requirements with DHL at all.

>                                              They're on the hook for the
> duties right now, and the law IS on their side if you fail to pay up. 

If there are duties, they are not on the hook, I am.  If the Treasury
Department bills me for duties, I'll pay them.  But DHL isn't the 
Treasury and I sure don't owe them any $8.00 paperwork fee.  I didn't
hire them to do the paperwork, so I don't owe them anything.  Maybe
Rimmer does as they contracted with them, but I never agreed to pay
DHL anything.

>                                                                      You
> don't think they would deliver dutiable packages if they had no legal
> recourse do you? 

I wouldn't put it past them to try and extort money from me that they have
no right to, but they won't get it.  If I get charged duties, the check
will be made payable to the Treasury Dcepartment and I will not pay any
fee for services I didn't contract for.  Period.

I hope Rimmer learns something from this and drops DHL.  I know I will
never use them for anything I have to ship.


Bill Gunshannon          |  de-moc-ra-cy (di mok' ra see) n.  Three wolves     |  and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
University of Scranton   |
Scranton, Pennsylvania   |         #include <std.disclaimer.h>   

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