dncullig@us.ibm.com wrote:
> Fellow LisTRs -
> Once again, I come looking for help. The J-type OD that I had
> installed in my
> 76 TR6 this past May is acting up. It popped out of 3rd gear once or twice
> 2 weeks
> ago and I didn't think much of it. Now, however, it simply will not stay
> in 3rd gear.
> It pops out regularly, even when under power. It'll stay in 3rd if you
> hold it in, but even
> then you can feel it trying to pop out. None of the other gears seem to be
> similarly
> affected. I'm going to take the tranny out of the car and am planning to
> take it back
> to the guy who re-built it back in February, but would like to tap the
> collective wis-
> dom of the list first to see what might be wrong. Any ideas and/or best
> guesses
> are welcome. I'd hate to have to go back to my non-O/D transmission,
> especially
> with a rather long trip to the VTR Regionals coming up in a few weeks, but
> I need
> the car to be reliable. Thanks for any and all input.
> Dennis Culligan / 1976 TR6 CF57948U(O) - TR6IUMPH / Highland ,NY/
> See www.britsofthehudson.org for info about our club
Other listers have made good suggestions about what can cause popping out of
third, but let me relate a simple story that might just save you from having to
disassemble the whole trans again.
A few weeks ago, lister Gary Klein called me and told me of a problem with a '6
J box we did for him last month. His car would not go into third gear at all
even though the shift rail moved and appeared to work properly from the
outside. Since I run transmissions on a break in stand and I knew that it had
spent 8 hours turning in third gear, and since Gary said that 4th gear worked
fine, I immediately started to think that some how major damage had occurred or
something similar. I went down with the trailer and picked up the car fearing
that there had been a major failure. When we got the top cover off, nothing
appeared wrong on the inside. Selecting third and easing the car around the
lot with the cover off revealed that 3rd was fine. The problem ended up being
in the selector fork itself. Turns out it was slightly bent such that the
fingers weren't perfectly parallel to the rail, but slightly tilted forward.
Barely noticeable when looking at the assembled top cover. This was just
enough to keep the hub from engaging fully in third, but still allowed it to
operate OK in 4th. We concluded that on the break-in stand with no load on the
trans that there was so little force that it held in gear just on the edges of
the teeth, but once the force of turning the rest of the drivetrain was on it,
it would immediately pop right out as soon as you'd try to let up the clutch.
While this is somewhat different than the problem you're experiencing, it's a
good lesson in not overlooking the obvious details and hopefully sharing the
experience will help keep someone else from making the same mistake.
Good luck!
Brian Schlorff
Power British