Ok...It's been a while since I asked for anything, so. You may recall
that I changed the points, plugs, wires, rotor, distributor cap,
condenser, a couple of vacum wires. Even a foot of the wire from the
wiring harness to the positive side of the coil which had burnt off much
of it's insluation. First replaced with 12 guage then with 18 guage
braided copper (bad news I suspect since the wire I connected it to
wasn't copper). This all on my '74 TR 6.
When I attempt to start the car the first thing that happens is
nothing, followed about two seconds later by the clicking sound we all
know as the sound the car makes when it has a nearly dead battery. That
sound goes for about two seconds and then the starter/engine turns over
slowly - once, then a second or so later again with more vigor and again
and again as the rpm's increase until it starts. The entire process
takes maybe six seconds.
Off I go, backfireing thru the carbs for two miles. Hard driving seems
to smooth it out a little sooner.
Last night when I had it out the voltage meter "shot" from aroud 13 to
15 twice. Tonight that didn't happen and in fact tonight's drive was
the most normal I have had in three months.
Any ideas folks? It would be nich to regain my confidence in it.
John Summers
'74 TR 6