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RE: Participation

To: "'Brian Furgalus'" <>
Subject: RE: Participation
From: "Musson, Carl" <>
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2000 12:50:28 -0400 charset="iso-8859-1"
Cc: "''' '" <>, Wedge List <>
-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Furgalus []
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2000 11:25 AM
To: Mark the Shark
Cc: ''' '; Jim Hill; Wedge List
Subject: Re: Participation


>> BUT, on the bright side, I got a thumbs up from a guy in a red Grand
>> Prix this morning coming back from my haircut!  

Maybe it wasn't the car, but the hair cut... :^)

>> There's also a local guy with a silver S2000 who waves every time he sees

Before I sold the '3 (boy do I miss the drives) I was surprised at the
number of drivers of Z3's and S2000's that responded to a wave.  Mostly they
are male, in their mid-30's to 40's and would have grown up seeing the MG's,
TR's, & AH's on the road.  Maybe they are the "next generation" of sports
car drivers (unfortunately without the vintage).  Drivers of other
makes/models are more oblivious to the world with their rolled up windows
(tops up) and a/c blasting. 

>From the other side:  Whenever I am out (driving the truck or Honda) I make
it a point to wave; give the thumbs up; stop and chat; whatever whenever I
see a lbc - in any condition.  Makes me feel like I am still "participating"
and hopefully makes their day too.

Last Saturday I was driving through our subdivision because of a community
garage sale day when I spotted what I thought was a 30's something hot rod
in a garage.  I kept on going - then realized that it was a MGTC or TD.  Had
my wife drop me off and I visited with him for about an hour.  Turns out he
is moving :^( this week.  Nice 51 TD.  His dad bought it "used" with 3000
miles on it in 1951.  He has been working on it for four years with probably
another one to go.  Started the restoration in Orlando, moved to Minnesota,
then to Arizona (for 2 years) then to Tampa earlier this year.  Arizona did
a job on some of the woodwork.  He will be about 8 miles away, and I have
offered a wrench if he needs it. (no mechanic - just the wrench :^)

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