Before installing my "new" A-Type - for the second time this week! :^(, I
was re-reading various manuals and I saw something I hadn't noticed before.
There's apparently supposed to be some sort of a stop under the head of the
solenoid plunger to allow for a minimum 1/16" clearance. I first thought it
was supposed to be a set screw with a lock nut, but on closer inspection, I
find the hole is filled with a rubbery material. I cleaned it out, but it's
hard to tell with some of the rubber residue still in there, whether or not
the hole where this "thing" goes is threaded but it appears that it is not.
Who knows what evil lurked in the mind(s) of the DPO(s) though.
Catalogs, Laycock manual, Bentley, Haynes, Ken Ball are all ambiguous - to
me at least. Is this stop supposed to be a set screw? Is the hole supposed
to be threaded? Is it a rubber plug with a head on it? If so, how do you
adjust for the 1/16"? Is it totally unnecessary? What?
Since it's obviously easier to figure this out BEFORE I install, I thought
I'd see what you OD experts out there in ListerLand have to say. Any and all
advice gratefully accepted. Thanks!!
Michael Ferguson
1959 TR3A TS53990L (O?)