Do you heat the sauce up and allow it to 'perc'? seems like a great idea!
Bob Westerdale
'59 TR3A TS36967E
-----Original Message-----
From: John Jacobsen-Watts []
Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2000 10:44 AM
To: 'Triumph Digest List'; 'Mercedes Veterans list'
Subject: Coffee urn as parts washer.
Quick tip: I went to a shop that rents catering supplies (dishes, casserole
heaters, etc.) and bought a used coffee urn for small parts washing. This
urn is about 8" across, 10+ inches deep (many, many sizes available), and
feature a spigot that pulls liquid out from *above* the gunk when time comes
to drain it so you can reuse whatever degreaser you put in it. Basket that
fits into the top can hold all kinds of parts of course, and has a small
handle for lifting out of the liquid. Cost was $5.00 for banged-up one they
were going to throw out. Also have great luck at hospital supply houses
(unless you know a nurse!) where you can pick up all manner of oversize
syringes, etc. into which you can plug fuel line, plastic line, etc. for
sucking diff. oil out, etc.