Message text written by "Philip Haldeman"
>Assuming I want to be safe, it would seem that just draining and
the radiator would be satisfactory. I'm guessing that the block doesn't
need to be flushed again, since the water will cycle and mix together in
system. What the radiator shops use (here in the Seattle area) is ordinary
tap water. It's good stuff. Tastes almost like bottled water! Anyway, if
I end up with a mixture of good tap water, distilled water, and 50%
antifreeze, seems to me that the distilled water can't "act alone". . . !
Or is something happening on a molecular level that would require a
new flush?! Gads! How do I always end up with these weird questions?!
--Phil Haldeman
If you mix distilled water and tap water you end up with tap water with a
lower concentration of minerals. If you have a method of quantitatively
measuring the levels one could temper the hardness of one's tap water by
mixing in appropriate amount of distilled. Additionally, one can buy water
evaluation kits for swiming pool maintainence and measure the levels of
mineral concentration. Now if someone could tell us wht the ideal level