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Re: TR250 door panel arm rest

Subject: Re: TR250 door panel arm rest
From: Jerry Oliver <>
Date: Thu, 09 Mar 2000 09:05:03 -0800
Organization: @Home Network
References: <>
David. Perhaps what I did on my TR4A might be a solution to your door
trim problem. On purpose, I did not glue the arm rest under the window
seal. It's a pain. Rather, I folded the vinyl under the the arm rest,
making a few cuts and used a hair dryer to make the vinyl pliable. I
removed some of the foam, to get a tight fit on the door right up to the
seal. Then I glued the excess vinyl under to the foam itself. Then I
glued the arm rest to the door. It fits right up to the chrome on the
seal, with no painted section visible. You have to be with a 1/2 inch to
see the difference. I suppose this lessens somewhat the designers
attempt to water proof that area, but I drive my TR4A with the top down,
and avoid the rain here in Seattle. Good luck, Jerry Oliver, Olympia,
> only to discover that I neglected to first glue
> the arm rest to the door frame. Now I'm trying to figure a
> way out of the debacle 
> David Brady
> 68 Triumph TR250
> 97 Porsche 911
> 95 BMW R1100GS
> 90 Ford Mustang 5.0

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