Well hello to everyone again.
Just updating everyone who responded to my earlier inquiry about my
leaky SU carb on my TR6. Equal credit goes to the individuals who
correctly identified the float bowl connection and lower jet o-ring as
the source of the leaks. $12 for some new grommets and washers and the
leaks at the bottom of the float bowls (or is that bowns) are gone.
Only one of the two was leaking there but now both are dry with fresh
new rubber bits.
I took the jets apart to check on the condition of the o-rings and they
all looked OK to me. Put them back together (couldn't find replacements
for those little o-rings) and the front carb, which was dripping
profusly, still leaks but a lot less. And now, which is the real
kicker, the rear carb is also dripping. It was always "moist" before
but now drips as the front does.
So listers, what is next? I want to change those o-rings for sure but I
want to ask where the actual sealing occurs. The reason I ask is that
the top of the jet mechanism, the jet bearing (part #91 in the Moss TR4
catalogue for those who want to play along), has a notch on either side
of it. One of the o-rings is above that notch and the other is below.
Doesn't that mean that gas can leak out there and run down the outside
of the jet? If this is my failure mechanism, does that mean the level
of gas in the jet is too high so my floats are too high? I ask this
because the float bowls are not level for my TR6 application, they slope
downwards towards the side of the car, away from the engine. I can only
assume on a TR3 or 4 that they are level and that the throttle bodies
themselves angle upwards when on the intake manifold.
With the jets apart, I also noticed the little spring that pushes the
little o-rings apart are in quite bad shape. Rusty and weak. I also
couldn't get an easy replacement for those. What purpose to they serve
anyway? Would replaceing those with new, presumably stronger, springs
solve this problem.
As it stands now it looks like the TR6 stays in the garage and I'll have
to take the parts hauler (Integra) to Bronte this Sunday. I'll no doubt
be looking for those nasty little parts there, but can someone give me
some hints if I'm on the right track?
Rob Christopher
Ottawa, ON
74.5 TR6 CF27218UO
Rob Christopher | | | | robc@cisco.com
Hardware Engineer | .|||. .|||. | (613) 271-3585
Cisco Systems | ..:|||||||:...:|||||||:.. |
Kanata, Ontario |---------------------------| http://www.cisco.com