>===== Original Message From "cameron greig" <tr6greig@globalnet.co.uk> =====
>Hi All
>The first frosts have arrived here in Scotland,so it won't be long
>until the 6 is tucked away for the winter.Among many other jobs
>on my list,I intend either replacing or possibly recovering the
>crash pads and centre console.Is recovering feasible or am I better
>Any thoughts
>Cameron 71 TR6
First frosts?
As its sunny today, (t-shirt temperatures in Stirling) I wonder if this short
distance really makes a difference...
Anyway, I did recover the lower rhd crash panel myself with material from one
of the guys at a jumble. It looks pretty good with one crease in the very
outer corner that with some more patience wouldn't need to be there. The
centre one might be too difficult but its well worth it for the outer ones
considering the price.
Cheers, Gernot
............Gernot von Hoegen................
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