To give credit where credit is due, a small correction. While Marty Lodawer
did write the article, it was another member of our club who designed and built
the tranny tester. He is Herman van den Akker, triumph restorer extraordinare,
located in Simi Valley, CA. I don't know if he is a lister or not.
Dennis Lambert
'61 TR3A
Triumph Register of Southern California
Wayne Whippo wrote:
> Tom Parker wrote:
> >Then I'm correct in thinking that you cannot test the overdrive on the
> bench.
> >I suppose a clean out and inspection as per haynes is the only thing I can
> do
> >on the bench short of completely dismantiling it?
> Tom, there is an article in the Summer 1999 (Number 72) issue of "The
> Vintage Triumph"
> p1651, about Marty Lodawer who built a transmission test stand using a DC
> motor.
> Check it out.
> Wayne Whippo (Digest mode)
> Boulder, Colorado
> 72 TR6 CC81427UO