I took a pencil and outlined the hinge to bonnet connection. With two people,
it's fairly easy to remove the bonnet from the hinges. I recommend removing and
reinstalling each bolt before you remove them all. Don't want to discover the
last one is frozen. I removed all but one of the bolts from each side then
grabbed a neighbor and we each took out the last bolt and lifted off the bonnet.
Make sure you have a place to put it where it won't get scratched.
Installation was the reverse. I ran a tap through the holes in the bonnet then
had the neighbor help get the bonnet back on and all the screws snug, but not
tight. I then lowered the bonnet and adjusted the fit. I recommend leaving off
the latch from the firewall until you have the fit adjusted. For peace of mind,
I encourage you to install a back up latch release. That first shut with the
latch engaging can be a little nerve racking.
I did trace the outline of the strike plate on the firewall with an sharp metal
object. Since I painted the engine compartment, you can't rally see it unless
you get real close. The same should hold true for the bonnet, but I wasn't
painting that, so I went with pencil.
Brian Kemp
72 TR6