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Re: Re: bio observations cont.....

To: "" <>
Subject: Re: Re: bio observations cont.....
From: Dave Massey <>
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1999 15:55:35 -0400
Cc: TR List <> charset=ISO-8859-1
 DShoop7572 writes:
>    To all,
>    My coment about the apparent wealth of listers was in no way intended
>a negative remark towards others success.

As I rememeber, the comment was about TR's used to be the working man's 
sports car.  My observation is that there are more TR owners who do their 
own work than there are Austin Healey owners.  Or Jag owners.  Not to 
mention Ferarri's.  I think that TR owners are different than most other
car owners in that they comprehend their cars better and are more willing 
to get their hands dirty.

Whether one just gets by with one car or easily can afford several is
here or there.  The thing that brings us together is our common interest in

TR's and the level of maintenence/restoration/modification we enjoy 
undertaking with our cars.

At least that's my opinion.

And my only success is in living long enough to be able to 
afford to own one or more of these things.

Dave Massey

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