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Re: Wiring Source?

To: "Brent Cavanaugh" <>, "Triumph List" <>
Subject: Re: Wiring Source?
From: "Brian Sanborn" <>
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1999 19:55:41 -0400charset="iso-8859-1"
Check out the VTR website under maintenance.

I have keep this list in my TR4 folder. for a while  


BROWN - Main fed from the battery. No switches or fuses

WHITE - Ignition circuit. again with no switches or fuses.

GREEN - IG circuit but WITH fuses and/or switches in the line.

BLUE  - headlights

RED   - Tail lights and side markers

BLACK - a straight ground

YELLOW - Generator connections wired through the IG


Now the main colour followed by the strip colour cases:

BROWN/YELLOW - GEN to volt. regulator

BROWN/BLUE   - IG switch to volt. reg

WHITE/RED    - IG switch to the starter solenoid and starter switch to 
               starter solenoid 

GREEN/PURPLE - Brake lights

BLUE/WHITE - your high beams

BLUE/RED   - your low beams

RED/WHITE  - the dash lights


Brian Sanborn
62 TR4          CT16260L  - Groton,  MA

My TR4 Restoration Web Site (Big Update on 6/13/99)

-----Original Message-----
From: Brent Cavanaugh <>
To: <>
Date: Monday, August 16, 1999 11:16 PM
Subject: Wiring Source?

> I had some of my TR6 main wiring harness go up in smoke(literally) this
>weekend with a short. All but a couple of strands are ok. I want to
>replace these color coded wires with the same colors. Does anyone on the
>list know a good source for the color coded wire as found in the tr6? 
> If matching wire can be had for less than the $300+ that VB charges
>I'll manufacture a complete, correct main harness.
>'72 TR6 (still running after all the smoke!)

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