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To: Triumph List <>
Subject: Biography
From: "Donald L. Gilbert, Jr." <>
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 1999 20:49:59 -0400
Organization: Infinite Effects Web Page Design
I see there is a trend here, so I will jump in.

My car is as old as I am, which is 26. It is a 1973 TR6 and I wanted my
year as well as a 6, so I did well I suppose.  I was born in Pittsburgh,
moved to Ligonier (60 miles east) at age 4, have a B.S. in Mathematics
and teach in high school near Gettysburg where I just recently moved.  I
am single (hint to all the Triumph Dad's).  I come from a long line of
car family interests.  There are 15 running vehicles at our house from a
1923 model T up to regular drivers.  My brother has an Opel GT and my
other vehicles are a 1968 Jeep J3000, 1987 Dodge SHELBY.

I bought my TR6 in November 1995, drove it for a few months, at which
point it began a 2 year restoration and is done except it's missing the
interior (on backorder).  I was going to take it to TRF, but I NEVER
participate in car shows that the drivers have to pay to get in.

If you are near Gettysburg, drop me a line and we will get together.


Donald L. Gilbert, Jr.
Webmaster, Infinite Effects Web Page Creation for Custom Web Page Design

1968 Jeep J-3000 Gladiator
1987 Shelby Charger
Ligonier, Pennsylvania
Currently working in Virginia

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