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Re: Adding alternator to a 4A

To: "" <>, Triumph List <> charset=ISO-8859-1
Subject: Re: Adding alternator to a 4A
From: Tony Rhodes <>
Date: Fri, 13 Aug 1999 07:49:27 -0400
Message text written by
>I have been using a 60 amp GM alterntor in my 1967 TR4A for almost a year.

No wiring melt down or any problem.  I used Dan Masters instructions to
make my conversion.  My ammeter does bury the needle upon first start up
but very quickly comes back to below 30 amps and eventually to about 1 or 2
amps under general running conditions.<

Thanks for that info.  The needle-burying does not seem to be a major
as long as it does not last long.  I am tempted to use the shunt wire that
has been
described here on the list to cut the current through the ammeter in half,
so the
gauge reads incorrectly by double.  I.E. 30 amps reading means 60 amps in


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