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RE: competition manual online

To: Fred Thomas <>, Triumph List <> charset=ISO-8859-1
Subject: RE: competition manual online
From: Tony Rhodes <>
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 21:21:30 -0400
I agree completely.  These books are scarce and out of print.
I bet that SOMEBODY still owns the copyright, but I doubt
they will bother to complain.

I have done something similar with a book published in 1970,
Vizard's "Tuning Standard Triumphs"  at:
but it is not there right now due to size limitations...

I see this like an online library.  We are not making money on the
publication, just making it available to others who would otherwise
have to do without.  I think it is important.  I would GLADLY
remove the book from my website if the copyright owner came
along and told me they wanted to make money again and have
another printing run.  I'd even buy one myself.  This is why I have
not copied the BL TR4A competition preparation manual.
It is in print!

We are making these manuals available to a limited number
of interested people.  After seeing the online copies it might even
generate enough interest that it COULD be run again.  Who knows
if it is technically legal.  Are the copyrights in the public domain? 
maybe not.  If no one abuses the privilige of access to this info, then
there ought to be no problem....


Message text written by
>From: Fred Thomas <>
Subject: Re: Competition manual online

It seems Ken is making a very nice attempt at trying to be of help to
the entire LBC list of owners and someonebody else is trying to play
Perry Mason or NYPD, and tell him what he can or can't do, move on,
read it, use it, and enjoy it. We need more Ken's with helping ideas,
and far less street corner lawyers telling someone else what to
do. Thanks Ken for your time and consideration of everyone
concerned. If all else fails I will send cigarettes every month where
ever they confine you.  "FT"

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