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RE: Website up

To: "TRIUMPHS" <>, "Keith Burns" <>
Subject: RE: Website up
From: "Jack Levy" <>
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 08:44:44 -0400charset="iso-8859-1"
Importance: Normal

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Keith Burns []
> Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 1999 11:58 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Website up
> Hi Jack,
> Feedback on web site.
> Questions that I wanted answered
> What do you do now?
Go to and click on WHAT I DO
Besides give a home to wayward cars. Are you just
hanging and collecting for fun retirement etc? Like a lot of us, I couldn't
afford to have any of these cars when they were new, so now I can't afford
the prime examples of them but I figure instead of buying 1 nice one, I'll
just get a bunch of rusty ones and spend ten times as much on them as I
would have if I bought non-rusty ones, doesn't make any sense to my wife

>why does a guy from cuba  wander around america and pick up cars that are
Would it make a difference if I was from Long Island?
> How about the almost manditory links page?
Working on it

> The pictures for the cars are small when opened would prefer them
> a little larger.
Not all the jpgs made it to my site, Frontpage messes up a lot, I'll fix
those and try to get the larger pics the same size. This was all done in 1
 If I take the time to click on the thmbnail then I want to really
> see the picture. Though there are pictures of the cars there is no story
> line. Only hints unanswered. Why have you not seen the tr6 for
> six months.
Someone else asked me that question and here was my answer. I gave it to the
best Triumph restoration guru in Florida, unfortunately after dismantling my
car he decided not to do this anymore, he had been doing this for about 15
years. So progress has been slow and the car is still in pieces hopefully
painted, but with new floorpans (that's a +).
> Why do you want to repaint the tr6 that is red (looks good in the
> pictures)
I hate Pimentos
> to a green that does not look good in the pictures (the green
>photo is not  to good).
BRG is my favorite color on TR6s, and it's MY car.1
> Remember that the web is basically information or entertainment
> so tell us a
> story (entertainment) or give us info.
I will surely try, this is definitely the most critical of all email
received regarding my site. This was created in about 6 hours on a rainy day
as an attempt to learn Frontpage, I am not competing with VTR, but you are
right in your opinion of the 'net, I basically live on it for a lot of my
work. My plans are to detail work on the cars and scan some of the pics of
the restorations that I am working on, this was a way of putting my photo
album on the 'net so when someone asks 'Got a picture of your GT6? how about
your son?' ...
> It is a fine start so have fun! and e-me when you update it and I
> will give
> you more of my very oppionated opinions
> Keith
Thanks for the reply!


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