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Don't dip that in acid just yet...

Subject: Don't dip that in acid just yet...
Date: Mon, 17 May 1999 10:06:09 -0500
>There's a far better way to get the body, frame, etc. clean without the
>drawbacks of acid or chemical dipping. It's called media blasting.  Just
>like sand blasting, except fine plastic granules are used.  This gets
>rid of all paint, rust, corrosion, etc. WITHOUT imparting any texture to
>the metal or warping panels.  Most places charge by the hour.   We have
>a place here in NC that does it, check your local yellow pages before
>you dip.

I've been following this thread with much interest, since I am planning to start
a rebuild on what was once my parts car.  I was told however, regarding media
blasting, that rust would NOT be removed.... is this true?  I don't like the
idea of dipping my TR3 body in caustic chemicals, but thought that this was the
only way to completely remove rust.  IMHO, some "solid" metal has to be affected
by the dipping process, so media blasting sounds like a good idea, if it will
remove rust.  Using sand, I've been told, may warp steel, where plastic beading

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