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TR3 body tub balance point

Subject: TR3 body tub balance point
Date: Mon, 17 May 1999 08:24:21 -0400
Content-Disposition: inline; filename="BDY.TXT"

I notice several folks have recently lifted their TR3 bodies off their frames, 
and there has been some discussion about bracing the bodies so they don't fold 
in two like a cardboard box, so am hoping for a bit of advice. I am getting 
ever closer to lifting mine off, and will brace across the top of the door 
openings with angle iron or similar, but am wondering where the centre of the 
body tub is, weight-wise, as I intend to lift with a block and tackle. (If it's 
between the front and back of the doors that will help as I can weld a piece of 
angle between the other two and lift it.)
The body has all the fenders, doors, apron, trunk and hood removed.
Thanks in advance for your input,
Jim Wallace
60 TR3a TS81417


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