I am to the point of getting the brakes to work before I start the engine. I
thought this might be helpful. Who knows what could happen !!!
I have put fluid in the master cyclinder and have gravity bleed the brakes
starting at the right rear, then left rear, right front and then left front,
5 times. I am bleeding into a clear jar of new fluid. I see air bubbles
coming out and have bleed to where there are on a few bubbles occassionally
coming out. I thought I would be able to WIFE ASSIST BLEED but I still have
no pedal AT ALL. When I push down the fluid rises in the resevoir but
nothing comes out of an open bleeder. Any suggestions? The master
cyclinder is rebuilt, but looked and acted great on the bench. Should I get
a pressure bleeder or what?
Wanting to start her up in Morgantown