just a follow up on my problem (i had a hard time backing up in reverse gear
and found od was stuck on) I did crawl under and found the solenoid to be
stuck up even tho the switch was off. I could manually pull down the
solenoid but it seemed to slowly kind of edge up a little. Also the lever
on the opposite side of od moved a small amount but not all the way to the
small hole in the "off" position. I used a pliers to try and move the lever
(opposite the solenoid side) and it would not go farther than quarter inch.
I than tapped on things with a hammer. Also started the car and went under
and tapped while it was running. (KIDS DON'T DO THIS AT HOME)
Any way.......I left the solenoid in the down position (where I had pulled
it manually) dropped the car off the stands, disconnected the od switch, and
took it for a drive. I found I could back up now in reverse without the
problem of before.......so the od had disconnected. I am not sure if
disconnecting the switch did it, tapping on the od or messing with the
pliers to force the lever. I think I will thank myself that it is
disconnected, let it that way and drive it for the summer. Don't want to
take the chance of breaking it for good during the summer! May re check in
fall and work on during winter.
Have some questions....how common is it for this to happen? (did notice it
sometimes hung up and did not disconect while driving as quickly as it
should) Is it a matter of cleaning filter or usually something more serious?
Also it seemed the solenoid has very little travel area. However the lever
on the opposite side of the od seems to have a much longer travel area at
least between the holes one uses for adjustment. How do these two relate?
I also wonder whether the pressure of od releases the solenoid at the off
position or whether it is just gravity that makes the solenoid plunger drop
at "off".
Just an observation.....why make the od switch on and off through
electricity? Why not a manual thing. Could easily be a cable to pull it
on. Then a mechanical dohicky could also throw the switch off when reverse
and gears 1 and 2 are hit. Just an ovservation.
Guess now you know why I was not an engineer!
Gary, Frances Nafziger
Wellman, Iowa