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RE: TR6 Door Alignment

To: "'Gary Ganoung'" <>
Subject: RE: TR6 Door Alignment
From: "Radley, Jack" <JackR@SHRIVERCO.COM>
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 14:52:28 -0500charset="iso-8859-1"
Cc: "''" <>
Cindy Crawford's mole is a cute imperfection.

Misaligned doors on anything, except anything of Cindy Crawford's, is an
eyesore.  I vote for straightening TR6 doors out, unless you look like
Cindy Crawford.

Jack Radley

                -----Original Message-----
                From:   Gary Ganoung []
                Sent:   Thursday, March 25, 1999 1:47 PM
                Subject:        TR6 Door Alignment

                I just dropped off my 74 TR6 to my body man for
repainting.  He noticed
                that the doors are both out of alignment and asked me if
I wanted them
                aligned better.
                I told him that I wanted the doors left just a s they
are due to
                originality issues.
                My recollection is that TR6 purists look for misaligned
doors as a sign
                of originality.  Seems to me that there have been
several e-mail threads
                on this.
                Any comments??

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