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Re: European Vacation

Subject: Re: European Vacation
From: "Gregory Petrolati" <>
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 12:20:59 PST
>Special note to Greg Petrolati:  Sorry Matey!  I had to chose between
>attending the 
>8th annual Champagne British Car Festival or going to England.  I 
>foolishly chose the later.  But take heart.  The wife and I talked >up 
the car show so much that 5 or 6 couples from our club will be 
>attending in our stead.  Good thing I found out in time, I was about 
>to have my arm and leg sugically removed and replaced with a 
>stump and hook but I was able to cancle the operation and get most >of 
my deposit back!  And I was going to bring pieces of eigth (TR8 >that 
is), too.

  An' what am I ta due wi' yer parrott? He'll be pine'n fer th' 
  fjords (ya know how `tiz wi' them Norwegian blues).

  Ah well... all th' maire fer th' rest o' us (Squint says we'll have
  ta double up an' th' pillage'n and Bowleg Ted l' have to stand in
  fer ye an the rape'n). Still an a', a haul tae "Auld Blighty" be

  As the Amish say... "Be careful `mong dem English."


>Special note to Cameron Grieg:  You offered to recommend a B&B in the
>I will take you up on that offer.  Also, I want to see that car you 
>Anyone else that doesn't know enough to run for cover (The Yanks are
>comming.  The 
>Yanks are comming.): If you have any suggestions other than "stay home"
>let's hear 
>Dave Massey
>St. Lousi, MO USA

Greg Petrolati Champaign, Illinois
1962 TR4 (CT4852L)

That's not a leak... My car's just marking its territory...

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