Dan Scharpf wrote:
> After recently purchasing a 54 TR2, I subscribed to the list in order to
> absorb as much information as possible from the Triumph faithful. The
> car I bought was sitting in a woman's garage in Indiana for the last 24
> years and I need to find a way of transporting it out to Seattle. Does
> anyone on the list do this, or does anyone have any recommendations on
> who I should call to have this done? The quotes I've gotten from Uhaul
> and Ryder were around $1200-$1400, which is quite a bit more than I'd
> like to pay.
> I got the car rolling when I went to pack it up at Christmas, and it has
> a lot of extra parts with it:
> 4 transmissions
> 8 doors
> 2 hoods
> 6 front fenders
> 1 extra spare tire cover panel
> 1 extra seat
> TR3 front apron
> rear differntial
> 3 sets of carbs and manifolds
> an extra head
> 9 side curtains
> 2 radiators
> 3 sets of bumpers
> an extra steering wheel
> an extra instrument panel with some gauges
> and boxes of assorted brackets, bolts and misc parts
> Many of these will be for sale once I sort through them. If you're
> interested in any of these parts, please e-mail me and I'll keep your
> name handy when I get things sorted out. In the mean time, I'm looking
> for someone to haul this back to Seattle for me. So if you know of
> anyone that does this, please let me know.
> This will be my first "frame-off" restoration so I'm sure I'll be
> contacting the list many times over the next few years looking for
> advice. I've visited some of the TR3 home pages that have been listed
> here and they've already been a tremendous help.
> Thanks,
> Dan Scharpf
> 54 TR2 TS3590L
> 77 MGB
> dscharpf@hotmail.com
> Seattle
Dan, I hope he doesn't mind my dropping his name, but I was considering
the purchase of Harris Goodkind's TR3 a month or two ago. He's in CA and
I'm in Connecticut - about 3000 miles! The $950 shipping cost is one of
the reasons I didn't buy the car...even though it sounded terrific!
Harris says he's used these guys several times and has been more than
satisfied. His comment was...
"...the car delivered to your door in the same shape it left here for
$950. Fully insured by a very competent transport company. You can
check them out at http://members.aol.com/ross4auto";
If memory serves, they're based in the midwest (KC maybe?) and travel
coast to coast delivering vehicles along the way. Indiana to Seattle
should be considerably less than the coast-to-coast $950 I would think.
I've copied Harris in case he's not on the list these days. Perhaps you
two can get together. I have no first hand knowledge of this or any
other shipping firm (and certainly no financial interest) - just Harris'
recommendation. Anyway, good luck!
Michael Ferguson
Vernon CT