I had one come out on my 6 while the lug nut was still
on. What a pain in the you know what! I'll walk you
through the entire process although I hope you only have
to deal with the last step.
To remove the lug nut since I couldn't unscrew it with the
stud just spinning, I rented a 1/2 drill and bits from the
local Rent A Center. Used a nail finishing punch and made
a centering indentation on the end of the lug nut. Started
with my 1/4" drill and a 1/8" bit with self starting tip for
metal and drilled a hole in the center of the lug nut and into the
stud center. Be sure to measure the correct distance which will
take the bit end to just above the plate facing (I used one of
those plastic attachments you put on the bit to stop your
distance of drilling).
With this whole drilled, I just progresively incresed the size
of the bit incresing the size of the whole. I don't recall the
final bit size but it was basically the same diameter as the
stud (hence needing the 1/2" drill). At this point I used a
vice grip, locked onto the nut and twisted at it snapped right off
at the plate. Was now able to remove the back of the stud from
the plate (it basically feel out).
With a new stud, spread lock tight on the groves of the stud
which fit into the plate and lined it up so coming out
straight (just pushed it from back with finger so was secure in
place, you can't get anything else back there).
the final step is to get about 6 heavy duty washers to use as
packing. Slid these onto the stud and then do one of two things:
1. Screw down a bolt to the packing and using a breaker bar
attached to the bolt tighten down until your eyes pop.
2. Screw down the lug nut to the packing and using a good
tire iron (I used the four headed type, looks like a cross)
and tighten down til your eyes pop out. this is the
method I used.
the idea is when you thighten down the bolt/lug nut against the packing,
it draws the stud into the groves of the plate and sets firmly. The
tapered neck of the stud should just stick out of the plate (look at
the other studs and you'll see what I mean).
Hope this helps and if you run into trouble or have any other
questions, let me know.
Scott Suhring
Elizabethtown, PA
'70 TR6
Kevin D. O'Connor wrote:
> This weekend I noticed a front wheel lug-bolt or wheel stud was loose.
> Anyone else ever had to fix one of these, and how should I proceed.
> Thanks for your advice,
> Kevin