Malcom writes:
>> >Fortunately, Brad's cars don't eat turkey! If they did, the roasting
>> >bags would have to be the size that would put it in the Guiness Book of
>> >World Records.
>> I was waiting for someone to say that brad's cars ARE turkeys. Of
course I
>> won't say it.
>Yeah, if you did, you'd probably have the fumble-fingers at the time (a
>bout of this has been circulating) and you'd end up calling them
>turnkeys... which isn't exactly true. ;-)
>* There is a FAQ for this list! Its temporary home is:
Well you can turn the keys all you want. Its just that nothing happens!
I shouldn't talk about his cars that way, though, he might refer to our
Missouri Tigers in like terms. And I have no defense (much like the