Guys, Guys, Guys,
read your Kastner! There is "no problem" with the stock carb until you pull
over 6,000 revs. Do you? I ran the 150's on a full race (S4 cam) motor and
can attest to the number Kas quotes.
That said, however, and considering my general distate for ZS carbs, first
I'd go to triple webers. Now, for those who's budgets are like mine (aka:
imaginary) the 175's OR su's will work.
The GT uses a later TR6 head and as such will accept a late TR6 manifold.
But, the front carb needs about 1/2" clearnace. There are 2 ways to get
this. First, plane the manifold "shape" into a parallelogram, such that
the manifold runs DOWNWARD by 10 or 15 deg, then take the opposite chamfer
at the manifold to carb face. The carbs will be lower and correct in
vertical plane.
The other option is to simply flip the manifold upside down. The head IS
symmetrical and all lines up. you'd need to weld some tabs in where they
would be pulled in by the lower studs, but hey, it does the same thing as
the other.
Having said all that, I've done neither. I am holding out for Webers as
they do not go rich in corners under race conditions.
And having said that, that plan is on hold too as I am getting very deep,
very quick in my TR4a project. (Damn that sheetmetal is pricey). Spa
white, red int and carpet (as orig), and either (pick 1)
- wires, o/d, stereo for touring (none got)
- TR6 wheels, 2" SU's (got) for "fast road"
- minilites, judson blower (got) and a big wrench to tighten the nut loose
behind the wheel.
Wish my bank account luck!
DAve T