The springpan should swing freely and in order to accomplish this, the
wishbone arms rust rotate freely on the trunnion pins. Did you ream the
bushings out?
As I remember, after you press the new bushings into the wishbones, you'll
need to ream them out to fit the trunnions.
After much agonizing over how to do this and ensure that the bushings were
square to the trunnions, I simply took my Dremel tool with a sanding drum and
went for it........very carefully, hoping the close fit would self-align the
sanding drum.
As I saw the bronze dust fly, I got very nervous and continually checked the
fit with the disassembled trunnions. After I cleaned ALL the dust out, I
assembled them...........they went together fine and have had no problems.
Bob Stahlbush
66 MGB GHN3L 78708
60 TR-3A TS76779