Thanks to everyone who responded to my questions on the 6/12 water
pump/cover issue. I have decided to err on the side of caution and fit
the 12 vane cover.
As a follow-up question, the workshop manual says that when re-fitting
the intake manifold, you must slacken one head before torquing the intake
manifold. If I do this, will I have to replace the head gasket?
The motor has not been started since the rebuild, so the head gaskets
will not have been effected by the heat.
I tried to post this earlier, but Hurricane Georges and Florida Power &
Light thought that it would be a good idea to turn the power off just as
I was sending the posting. If it's on the list twice, sorry...
Larry Miceli
'76 TR6
'73 Stag
'66 Herald
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