I used the Moss gas tank kit and it seemed to work quite well. Though, I
didn't have much of problems previous, I just wanted peace of mind. Just
one piece of advice - don't use alot of the sealer. After dumping in
the stuff, keep
on rotating your tank so the sealent doesn't form "stalagtytes"(sp?).
Jeff N.
'72 TR6
At 12:47 PM 8/1/98 -0400, you wrote:
>I am in the process of my restoration of my TR4A. I have the body off,
>and hence, the gas tank is out. What is the consensus about how to treat
>the gas tank? I can not see light through the metal, but I can't really
>the quality inside. I had no problems with garbage in the filter, but it
>been sitting for an quite a few years awaiting the restoration.
>Should I just wash it out, and reinstall it, or should I use the MOSS tank
>cleaner/etcher/slushing compound? Or should I spring for a new
>"Marine Grade Aluminum" tank? Do the fuel lines need rerouting
>in real life? The MOSS catalog says that it MAY need rerouting. I
>would have thought that they know exactly which models
>would require rerouting.
Jeff C. Nathanson
Director of Product Development
Manufacturing Systems & Technologies, Inc.