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RE: GT6 tachometer problems

To: TR List <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>, Dave Terrick <>
Subject: RE: GT6 tachometer problems
From: Dave Massey <>
Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 17:17:45 -0400
Dave Terrick <> Writes:

Fellow listers,>
>We the Canadian contingent are now safely back home.
>I refute your position that Minnesconsin mosquitoes are the hardiest
>species - they are but beanie babies compaared to what greeted me in my
>garden on Sunday!

I hear that you guys throw them suckers on the BBQ grill ;^)

>Second,  why only a qarter keg o' beverage?  I could say something nasty
>about quality vs qualtity but I must admit I really did enjoy the
>Linenkugels (or is that lingenberries... sorry I have Norwegian in me, I
>can say that).
>treating the "real" GT car to a tach swap and permanent stereo install I
>have come upon a wierd situation as follows:
>1. all mechanical components, ie diff, motor,  trans, and tach come from a
>70 GT6 parts car.
>2.  the rear end was verified as a 3.27 before installation
>3. the speedo is a "980" - ie geared for a 3.27 axle
>4. the tach is definately from a GT6 as it refers to  "demister" on one
>idiot light.
>5.  the speed oand odometer have been verified by speed and distance as
>However,  the tach reads 3800 rpm at 60 mph.
>Now, I must admit I enjoy spinning the tack "off the peg" but this is only
>really good for guest drivers' egos.  Considering there should be no
>for the tach to be inaccurate due to tranny or diff or tires ANYWAY,  does
>anybody have any bright ideas?   I seem to remember some discussion a
>back but I have only recently nuked my backissues.  Hwy, how likely was I
>to need that info anyway?  Oops.

Truimph knew you would be getting the car and they know how you like to
pass red line so much.  Thay did this on purpose to protect themselves. ;^)
Seriously, somebody else on the list had a similar problem and it turns out
that the problem was the tach cable was too long.  Try loosening the cable 
nut and see what happens.

>Direct replies would be appreciated.
>Dave Terrick
>Dave Terrick
>69 GT6+


It was great to meet you at long last.  I was amazed at how many folks
came down from Winnipeg in TR's.  I didn't know there were that many
TR's in Canada; what with the weather and all.  But then what else is
here to do all winter up there but work on the cars in the heated
garages, eh?  Can't go fly fishing, eh? ;^)

But seriously, I'll bet you have beautiful driving weather all summer
long.  Sometimes it gets just too damn hot to drive these cars down
here in the southland.  It gets to be not fun and then why bother?

Dave Massey
71 TR6
74 TR6
80 TR8

P.S. Winnipeg in 2002

P.P.S. Please not the revised car list!

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