"let's kill all the lawyers" is an often misused quote. To understand the
context of the quote check out:
or read below.
to paraphrase:
"From Henry VI
'The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers. 'You probably have heard
the above statement. You probably have heard that
Shakespeare said it.Did he really mean it?In ACT IV, the Scene Two, John Cage,
a rebel and critic of the King, has
gathered with his bandof followers, including Dick, a butcher. The group are of
meager lineage.
Cage begins to jest atthe King, whom the crew feels is a tyrant. He's not the
greatest of tyrants
Cage points out.For if Cage were King, he would show Henry what a perfect
tyrant does.
First, bakers would bebarred from profit and all manufacturing would be
dictated by the Crown. As
for thecommoners, drinking a small beer would be a felony. There will be no
and all will wearuniforms. No one will eat or drink, except by the King's
permission. All
subjects will worshiptheir King.At this point, Dick adds, - The first thing we
do, let's kill all the
lawyers.Cage replies, - Nay, that I mean to do.If these are the things a
perfect tyrant would do, just what was
Shakespeare's attitude towardsbarristers? It would appear that he held them in
esteem. For if it were
paramount to tyranny, todisallow their lot, it must be that they are the enemy
of tyrants and the
defenders of the freedomof the common man.Taken in context, Willie wasn't
ridiculing or bashing lawyers at all."
I didn't write the above, found it on the web.
No, I'm not a lawyer.
> ----------
> From: Sumner Weisman
> Unfortunately, David, Andy is right. One fellow a few years ago got tired
> of people breaking into his summer camp, so he attached a shotgun to a
> chair, pointed at the door, with a string connected from the door to the
> trigger. He shot a burglar in the legs, who of course he promptly sued
> him
> from prison, as I recall.
> Another fellow had a small store, and people were climbing on the roof and
> breaking in through his skylight. Well, after many losses, he finally
> connected the skylight to the 115VAC power lines (220 volt mains to you)
> and of course, a burglar got well zapped. He was also prosecuted.
> Shakespeare had it right, "Let's kill all the lawyers."
> Sumner Weisman
> 62 TR-3B