Rebuilt the brake the car was 8 yrs in the barn...fronts
were tight...backs soft....
Rebuild wen easy/t well...........bleeding is a nightmare.......weve
been pumping all day....
cant get either the fronts or rears to hold.......all cylinders bleed
clear new fluid.....(replaced the oldz)
Any hints? Can tha PDA swithc cause a fella told me
if the PDA swich trips..then
front or backs are
disabled"...i find that hard to beleive
Wwhich order do you bleed your brakes?
I wouldthink thef ronts should be easy./simple to bleed.....
Any hints from the experienced? I have a mighty vac..and also a one
man bleeder.......must be a bubble somehere...or the master is bad?
Advice ASAP needed//pleaese email