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spit problems

To: Triumph Cars List <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: spit problems
From: Gregory Petrolati <>
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 07:49:52 -0500 (CDT)
        I was helping a friend get his `79 spit running again. He's new 
        to the area and rebuilt the motor prior to his move. He's got 

        What I observed was a motor running on 3 cylinders... The #4 plug 
        was black and wet the gap was set wrong (I might add set wrong on 
        all plugs)... After resetting the plug gap the motor was running 
        better, but still only on 3. We then pulled the valve cover. I saw 
        that the push rod for # 4 intake was off the rocker arm. I then re
        set the push rod and observed the engine on restart it ran briefly
        with some very odd scraping sounds then died. The same push rod was
        off the rocker again. I replaced it in position and had the owner
        crank the engine. while pressing down on the rocker. I felt a 
        vibration, Kind of like something scraping across a rough surface.
        Pressing on the other rocker arms I didn't notice the same feel.

        Diagnosis-wise I'm leaning towards either a seriously stuck tappet,
        that took out the cam lobe, or a collapsed tappet that did the same.
        I haven't any experience dealing with Spits... Let alone late 
        Spits with all that plumbing. Looking at the list of Items he bought
        for the motor I'm inclined to think he shouldn't have had any problem
        Unless he got a wrong sized tappet and forced it into the bore. There
        was one tappet that was missing from his initial shipment, that was
        sent later.     

        Am I in the ballpark? Any wisdom from you GRAF (Ground RAF) Pilots?

        Greg "just tryn' to be helpful"                         1962 TR4 (CT4852L)
        "That's not a leak... My car is just marking its territory!"
Greg Petrolati, Champaign, Illinois

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