At 14:20 19/02/98 -0700, you wrote:
>A while ago there was a posting indicating that human hearing is not
>overly sensitive (for the average human). Thus what "sounds" the same
>from two different sources may in fact be miles apart as far as equal
>air flow goes.
This is true. Hearing (and, to a lesser extent, vision) has a logarithmic,
not linear response to input power. This is so that we can detect sound over
a huge range. I would estimate the difference in power (the square of
volume) between a mosquito at 2 metres and a live band at 20 metres to be
about 100 deciBels (a power ratio of 10,000).
Therefore, if you expect to balance carbs by ear to within, say, 10%, you
had better not have been to too many rock concerts (like me ... bzzzzzzzzzzzz).
Allen Nugent
Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering
University of New South Wales
Sydney 2052 Australia