Barry Schwartz wrote:
> > Have you seen the SPAX spring adjus
> >table shocks for the Spitfire they work great. You can actually ajust the
> >ride height as well as the reaction of the shocks.
> ****************************************
> Tommy,
> Thanks for the input.
> Yes I have thought about using those but haven't for two reasons. One, I
> really can't justify spending that kind of money to replace a perfectly
> good pair of Koni's and Two, most importantly, it still doesn't solve the
> problem of having a spring that is already too compressed because it was
> designed for a slightly lesser weight. In other words, because of the
> spacer, or in this case an adjustable seat and the increased loading of the
> spring, there is less travel because the coils are closer together. In the
> case of the Spitfire, there is limited travel to begin with, and I've just
> reduced that by about a half an inch.
> Barry Schwartz
If you can't find a more suitable solution, you can always resort to shortening
the GT6 springs enough to achieve the correct height. They may ride a little
stiffer than you want, but it should get the car to the correct height.
Joe Curry