Ok I'm curious...
What are socket head bolts? Are they ones which have a square hole into
which the ratchet fits? Or something else?
Peter Zaborski
76 TR6 (CF58310 UO)
Calgary AB Canada
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Mr. Mike" Passaretti [SMTP:passaretti@sol.med.ge.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 1997 2:07 PM
> To: triumphs@autox.team.net
> Subject: Re: TR4 rear suspension knock
> >>>>> "R" == R John Lye <rjl6n@uva.pcmail.virginia.edu> writes:
> R> I've got a special socket just for that job; I took a
> R> Snap-On deep socket and turned it down in a lathe until
> R> it fit between the shock and the bolt head. I know of
> R> other folks who've replaced those bolts with socket
> R> head bolts, instead.
> That's the route I took. Of course, I worked for GE Aircraft
> Engines at the time, so I had a supply of good, strong, socket
> head bolts and washers on hand. Unless you keep the tool in
> the glovebox, be prepared to perplex your local grease
> monkey if you ever have him work on the car. I'd suggest
> John's method, as any self-respecting mechanic who works on
> TR-4's has already made one of these tools.
> -MM