[BOUNCE triumphs@Autox.Team.Net: Admin request of type /\buns\w*b/i at line
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 1997 10:07:48 -0500
From: Dave Terrick <dterrick@pangea.ca>
Subject: sympathetic cops - true story
Terrick here.
I knew that a big motor in a small car was going to get me in trouble one
of these days - never have had one that <gets rubber> into second, and yet
is so unstable at speed. You guessed it, the GT666 ex race car I rebuilt.
Yesterday evening the TDC Manitoba did the Sunday cruise thing. Our route
to a local ice cream shop changed as it was closed and we continued out to
our perimeter highway. (FYI, Winnipeg has an interstate style ring road
with 2 lanes and limited access, concrete dividers between directions).
Grrrreat on and off ramps.
Well, after two weeks of GTless driving because of gearbox problems (DPO of
the parts car shift rail rebuild missing critical pieces allowing too much
travel into 1st, total loss of 2 synchros, ugh) I was ready top plaaay.
...so I hang back a bit from the MGB I was following into the on ramp and
then stand on it. Now, the GT gets to about 95 and then, realizing its
tendency to get silly in corners when my right foot gets smaller,
onthebrakesoffthebrakes hardrightstandonitagain. Oh shit someone is
already speeding, gottagetaheadof them. More right foot, about size 13
now. into 4th at about 80 just ahead of this car...waitaminnit, that's a
COP!. Oh f.
The club member following me noticed this and slowed down, lest any of you
think ony <I> drive my TR like a maniac. Cop looked at him as I sat on
the shoulder, license in hand, just waiting for a nasty citation for any or
all of the following:
-speeding (80 in a 60)
-imprudent driving (never, NEVER cut a cop off)
-faulty equipment (no mirrors, front bumper)
-no sun visors (like they'd help in a GT anyway)
-non-DOT seatbelt (racing harness, originally fitted in the 70's)
-noise (I've been tols it's not "loud" but it drowns out the TR8's v.
easily at full cry)
-is there such a ticket as general stupidity?
"you came around that corner pretty fast, do you know how fast you were
-about 65 on the speedo when I was straightened out
"your car as it entered the highay jumped around like it was unstable (it
was, changing into 4th at about 75 or 80 I think)"
-yes, I noticed that too, it concerns me since I am still getting used to
the car it's just been restored and I'm still learning how it reacts to the
"license and registration please"
pause, not more than 2 minutes.
"Well David, slow it down around those corners"
-ok, thank you for stopping me officer (kiss, kiss, kiss)
No I am not related to Johnny Storm.
Yes, I have a VERY clean license, rated for motorcycles, PSV's, air brakes
(all except semis)
Yes, I like it that way.
Oh well, back to the race track.
Dave Terrick
now you know why they used to call me "goggles Pizanpo fromma the olda