Try welding or brazing a steel washer over the holes in the propper
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>From: Ken Streeter[]
>Sent: Monday, July 28, 1997 9:28 AM
>To: Mark Clark
>Subject: Clutch pedal / pushrod hole elongation [was Re: Clutch
>Mark Clark wrote:
>> One thing I have not seen mentioned in detail as far
>> as clutch engagement goes is wear in the clutch pedal
>> assembly.
>Agreed. This is a common problem; one that I am looking
>for some suggestions on how to fix.
>I have a 70 & 74 TR6, and both suffer from this
>problem, putting my clutch engagement practically
>at the floor.
>How do people typically fix this properly? The
>holes in both the pushrod and the clutch pedal
>have been "elongated" on my cars.
>There don't appear to be any bushings in the TR6
>clutch pedal or the pushrod that can be readily
>'70 & '74 TR6 Daily Drivers
>Kenneth B. Streeter | EMAIL:
>Sanders, PTP2-A001 |
>PO Box 868 | Voice: (603) 885-9604
>Nashua, NH 03061 | Fax: (603) 885-0631