Bear in mind that most cars suffer from some inconsistencies in the fuel
gauges. My TR6 sometimes goes way down on the "0", while other times the
needle won't even get close, and the engine stops running.
Jim Ruwaldt
'72 TR6 CC79338U(being restored)
On Mon, 21 Jul 1997 wrote:
> On 07/21/97 13:53:00 you wrote:
> >
> >I don't know if all '72 Spitfires have this problem but I can tell you
> >that my '72 is empty at 1/8 tank. Found that out shortly after buying it
> >back in '81.
> >
> >Ralph Jannelli
> >'72 Spitfire MKIV Daily driver
> >'65 Spitfire MKII VTR national concours winner two years in a row :-}
> >
> >----------
> >From: Chuck Simons[]
> >Sent: Monday, July 21, 1997 12:11 PM
> >To:
> >Subject: Spitfire Initiation
> >
> >
> >As the new owner of a 72 spitfire, I hope these types of surprises are
> >kept
> >to a minimum.
> >
> >Since Fridays are my casual days, (I.E. Jeans,Sneakers & skip shaving
> >etc.) I thought it would be nice to drive the Spit that day. This is no
> >small matter in that it is the wifes daily car. After the usual begging
> >&
> >pleading I convinced her to take the 88 Jeep Cherokee. I had a great
> >time
> >looking for any stretch of road that had curves. We live about 10 miles
> >out of town, So I was supposed to meet the wife for lunch at 1:00. I had
> >two ways to get to town. One way is highway. Straight and 55mph (read
> >boring) The other way (My favorite) tree covered, twisting country
> >roads.
> >We all know the way I went.
> >I noticed when I left the house the gas gauge was between empty and 1/4
> >tank. I thought, I need to get gas when I get to town. (Yea I know,
> >famous
> >last words)
> >To make a long story short, half way to town I run out of gas. I guess
> >the
> >combination of hills, curves, spitfire gas pickup being at the front of
> >the
> >tank and an incorrect fuel gauge lead to my demise.
> >Thank goodness for the woman that stopped and offered help. I did not
> >want
> >to leave the car sitting on the side of the road, So this woman went to
> >the
> >restaurant I was supposed to meet the wife at and waited for her to tell
> >her I was out of gas on the side of the road. (Sweet woman)
> >After a few gallons of gas, The Spit purred like a kitten again.
> >
> >Still learning after all these years.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >Chuck & Karen Simons
> >L.A. (Lower Arkansas)
> >72 Spitfire FK33548U
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> I was able to solve this problem on my '72 Spit by doing some "creative
>bending" of the float arm on the fuel level sending unit. (Kinda' like you
>might do to adjust the water level in the "loo" - had to get that British term
>in there!)