I put the gas tank in and popped in a battery. After spending much time
attempting to prime, I turned 'er over... and it turned over!! Not much
more happened tho.
I now have 2 new oil leaks, the capillary to the oil gauge is bust and I
goofed up the gasket for the oil filter (they gave me 5 in the kit, I
chose the wrong one :( )
Has anyone made a comprehensive checklist I can run thru to see if I can
get this machine going? Any pointers would help.
I undid the carb floats and sloshed some gas in (didn't help)-- but I
also notice that the floats were *green*. Any tips on carb rebuilds? I
will be doing it myself, if possible.
-'62 TR4 CT10339L, the stereo works... the car don't.
Too many rocks and not enough sand.