I don't know about the sportcoil, but I installed the Crane chrome coil
and needed a ballast resistor. Here's the tipoff... if the coil gets so
hot you don't want to touch it after a drive about 10 miles, you need a
ballast resistor. Crane told me overheating the coil may cause it to
explode. I used the chrysler ballast resistor reccomended in the Crane
instructions, which I can look up for you if you wish.
>From: Spitfire15@prodigy.com[SMTP:Spitfire15@prodigy.com]
>Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 1997 8:00 PM
>To: triumphs@autox.team.net
>Subject: Sport Coil and Crane XR-700 connections :
>-- [ From: Chris Reilly * EMC.Ver #2.5.3 ] --
>I just purchased a Sport coil for my ''78 Spitfire and it indicates that
>I need no balast resistor for it. I currently have the Crane Xr-700
>ignition on my car. Can I just bypass the ballast resistor at it's
>connectors and take it out of the circuit ? Will this affect the Crane ?
>I have no docs on the Crane ...
>Any info appreciated