< snip >
> Also, how do I tell if I need to replace the piston rings? I was
> getting a lot of oil build up on the #1 sparkplug, and i assumed the
> rings were bad. Dummy that I am I never did a compression test before I
> tore-down the engine. What should I look for the make a judgement on the
> rings?
If you removed the pistons from their bores, you WILL need new rings. You
can never get them back into the original positions that they wore into, and
will never really seal properly. The real question now is do you need a
rebore to oversize. That can only be determined by careful measurement of
the piston and bore to determine how mush wear you have. If it's beyond
specification for taper and clearance then you must rebore oversize or you
will have the same problem in just a short while.
Barry Schwartz
Bschwartz@encad.com (San Diego)
72-V6 Spitfire (daily driver)
70 GT6+ (when I don't drive the Spit)
70 Spitfire (project on hold for now)