I had the great pleasure of installing my carpet yesterday - using the 3M
adhessive spray-glue - and it worked very well - thanks for all the advise.
Before glueing everything down, I decided to have a peak of my gear-box from
the inside of the car for the first time, to get the id-number off it. It
was KE 2961 - anybody can shed some light on what year this is? And whether
it was originally a GT6 gearbox (my car is a mess of different stuff: TR250
engine, GT6 O/D differential/ non-O/D gearbox)? And then for my most naive
question - never having seen a Triumph gearbox before: There were two wires
running to the top of the gearbox - but, with my very limited knowledge of
gearboxes, I couldn't figure out why. There is no warning light regarding
the gearbox - and to my knowledge no other reason why there should be wires
running to a gearbox. Anybody want to shed some light on this for me - please?
Thanks again for putting up with all my novice questions - still learning :-)
GT6 Mk. 2 1969 (w/1972 GT6 engine - and targa-top)
GT6 Mk. 3 1972 (w/TR250 engine)
....not responsible for any of these changes...
..the DPO did it....hmmmm.....