> Now for the question. In my rebuild I replaced all the brake lines,
> flex included. I even replaced the master cylinder because my old one
> was leaking like a sieve and a rebuild did not help. I used DOT 4 and
> all seemed well, until I started to smell asbestos. After I limped
> home ~ 2mi. I jacked up the front end and could not rotate either
> front wheel. Back wheels turned fine. I cracked a line at the master
> cyl. and everything seemed great. the Pressure diff. light went on
> but I figured that was because of me cracking the line. I re-centered
> the valve and all again was good. Took her out for a long spin around
> the block and no sticky brakes. I took her to get inspected this
> morning and made it there fine (~12mi) but as I was pulling out of the
> garage after she had sat for about 10 min I felt that old familiar
> hard pedal and sure enough the brakes started to drag again.
> Any suggestions? Thanks in advance for any help.
I recently received a message from Joe Alexander, also a member of this
list. He and his friend Jack Drews vintage race TR4's with TR6 master
cylinders. Jack discovered that the tiny vent hole that was supposed to
be in his master cylinder reservoir cap wasn't. This was a brand new
master cylinder that he received from TRF. His symptoms were very
different from yours, but this is worth checking. Good luck.
74 TR6
wishing I was vintage racing a TR4