First, regarding the topping of of trans fluid. I'm one of the guy who cut a
hole in the tranny cover. I've got one on both sides of each of my covers -
one for the filling and one for bleeding the clutch slave. I cut both
openings with a 4" hole saw - just enough space to get the average hand
through. Each hole was then covered with a small sheet of aluminum, bent to
fit the tunnel's contours, and held in place with 4 "speed nuts" and suitable
screws. I also put some self adhesive foam strips around the tranny side
edges of the aluminum to seal the holes. When ever I need to check the fluid
level or bleed the slave, I pull back the carpet, take out the four screws,
and presto, quick access.
The steering rack should get enough pumps to carry the grease to the end of
the pipe. It will come out the short side first, so you need to turn the rack
full right and smear grease onto the exposed rack before cranking it back to
center. Try not to get a whole lot of grease on the gaitors - rubber and
grease, over the long haul don't mix. A little is OK, but don't fill the
Hope that helps
Charlie B.
Capital Triumph Register