Lost notes... There was a thread about getting NOS of the '3 thermostat.
Any reliable sources for single purchases or is there anyone out there
willing to part with one.
Current Prices? Also, did they come in different temp settings? Since I
am in Florida, I would prefer a "summer" version.... Found a "normal" NOS
nearby for $15.
I am switching out the dash panel (Wrinkle paint works fine - Discount
Auto $5.99) and I have to open up the thermostat housing to get the temp
guage capilliary out. Thought that I would switch out the thermostat
while I am there (Does that make me a shipwright???) as the one in there
is a non-sleeved cold weather one.
Also, the ongoing saga.... As someone else said... "IT LIVES" Took the
"new" '3 for a short drive last night (actually this morning at 1:30)
after putting the windshield back on. Still no doors, carpet, & other
interior... (I did bolt down the seat this time - just for the drive)
But it sure felt good.
| CARL F. MUSSON, Coordinator INTERNET: musson@arts.usf.edu |
| Tampa, FL Opinions expressed are mine and not of my employer.|
\-------------------------- '58 TR3A - TS25264L ------------------------/